Dream Garden Magazine August 2021

Our dream garden magazine August 2021 issue is packed full of fantastic gardening tips and landscaping inspirations.

Some of the stories you’ll enjoy are how gardening can improve your wellbeing, cost-effective planting solutions, a focus on the colour taupe, how to bring your roses back to their full glory and which plants look pretty for August.

All you have to do is click the button below, complete the form, and we will send you a free gardening magazine each month.

Dream Garden Digest Magazine- July 2021

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Garden Digest monthly
e-magazine for free

Gardenscapes are still open for Contactless Surveys & Quotations – we can arrange video surveys online to give you a quotation. Once restrictions are lifted, we will then be able to visit and fulfill any landscaping projects. Call us today on 01932 485 273 for expert advice!